The impact of the festival on the city image.


Palabras clave:

Culture, Festival, Territory, City marketing, City Imagen


When the culture is introduced in some territory, different economic actors come into connection and begin to relate to improve the territory itself, for an improvement of local development. Throughout the commercialization of the territory, we should think about Territorial marketing as a real technique that provides many advantages to the territory itself.  This one is oriented towards cultural events by making a connection between the public sector, the private sector and voluntary organizations and enhancing the positive settings related to the cultural features and products. Here, the cultural manifestations classify the public into: young people, adults, men, women, nationality, age, religion ... In other words, culture has become a device that helps territories: to be conceived as a brand that can attract visitors and cultural tourists.

Culture is an opportunity for a real position where local actors make a huge effort to represent this territory with a positive image and to obtain very favorable economic, social and media results. During the last two decades, festivals have been considered as an effective tool for urban policy and are intended to stop the decline of a geographical area by regenerating its image and increasing its attractiveness for tourists and residents alike.


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Cómo citar

Selkani, I. . (2023). The impact of the festival on the city image . Cuadernos gestión turística Del Patrimonio, 2(1), 1–8. Recuperado a partir de