What is the cultural image of the city?


Palabras clave:

City Marketing, Culture, Heritage, Heritage Tourism


City marketing is a new form of land management applied as a technique of promotion and marketing of a territory in order to develop and improve at different levels, with the objective of exposure nationally and internationally. Each territory has its own resources that enable it to develop a special and unique brand. The culture is then perceived as the element that contributes to the economic growth of the territory and tourism development as well. That is, there is a very strong relationship between cultural products and the region itself so that the economic growth of the territory becomes more intense with the factor of culture.


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Cómo citar

Selkani, I. . (2022). What is the cultural image of the city?. Cuadernos gestión turística Del Patrimonio, 1(2), 23–37. Recuperado a partir de https://cuadernosgestionturisticadelpatrimonio.es/index.php/journal/article/view/6