Innovation in training for post-pandemic tourism: environmental interpretation and ecotourism strategies in higher education


  • Chess Emmanuel Briceño Nuñez Docente. Investigador Independiente
  • Alfonso Fernandez


innovation, Tourist training, Ecotourism


This study addresses innovation in post-pandemic tourism training, focusing on environmental interpretation and ecotourism in Venezuela. The research is developed through a qualitative and collaborative approach, exploring the experiences and perceptions of local and international participants. A course on environmental interpretation and ecotourism was implemented, highlighting the importance of collaboration between educational institutions, government and the tourism sector. The results show that the participants acquired knowledge in tourist geography, environmental interpretation techniques and guiding skills. The participatory methodology allowed a deep and meaningful understanding of the topics addressed. This innovative approach has the potential to boost the recovery of the tourism industry in the post-pandemic era, promoting responsible and sustainable practices.


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How to Cite

Briceño Nuñez, C. E., & Fernandez, A. (2023). Innovation in training for post-pandemic tourism: environmental interpretation and ecotourism strategies in higher education. Handbook of Tourism Management Heritage, 2(2), 19–27. Retrieved from